How easy it is to lose weight and remove the stomach: a few simple and useful recommendations

Excess weight and lack of a flat fit belly make women look for effective ways to improve the figure. And practice shows that one diet can not do here.

And even more so do not chase quick results, because rapid weight loss negatively affects the skin (it sags) and the health of the body as a whole.

The losing weight strategy in this case will include some dietary restrictions, exercises to reduce the fat layer in the waist, as well as cosmetic procedures.

The latter should be aimed at the help of the body in the breakdown of fat, strengthening muscles and tonic skin.

To make it easier to follow a diet, start keeping a food diary. Write down all the food eaten into it daily, calculate calories.

After a few days, check what else you need to throw out or, on the contrary, add to the menu so that the fat leaves the problem area faster.

Cavitation and nutrition, rich in fiber and protein, helps to quickly lose weight in the stomach. Eat more boiled chicken, vegetables and fish. Of the drinks, in addition to water, green tea and low -fat kefir.

In the morning you can drink freshly squeezed juices. Do not overeat, reduce the usual portions by a third, take food at least 5 times a day.

Charging should consist of exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press. It should be engaged in an empty stomach, the right time for losing weight training is an early morning before breakfast or 2-3 hours after it.

The number of repetitions every 3-5 days should be increased. Effectively make the waist "oblique twisting".

Sit down, hands behind your head, your elbows look to the sides, your legs are bent at your knees, the socks of the feet are stretched. Make twisting the body so as to touch the left elbow of the right knee, and then vice versa. 20-25 twisting on each side.

Exercise "Vodokochka" at a high pace perfectly burns the fat layer on the stomach and pumps up the press. Take the starting position: the back is tightly pressed to the floor, the arms under the head, the legs and pelvis are raised, the knees are bent.

Try to tighten the knees to your chest as much as possible, then return to the starting position. Complicate the exercise, raising the body towards the knees.

If there is no way to sign up for a professional massage for weight loss, carry out the procedure yourself, putting an emphasis on the problem area of ​​the abdomen. Arm with a massage glove and grapefruit oil.

Take movements in a circle, moving from the groin in the direction of the heart. Skin elasticity will increase techniques such as forcuration and rubbing.

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