Balanced diet components

Everyone knows about the benefits of healthy and balanced nutrition. This is necessary for the right growth and harmony of the body. A balanced diet should include all the vital needs of the body, such as minerals, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, as well as mineral salts.

The article offers some of the main components of healthy balanced nutrition, which you can include in your daily diet to stay vigorous.

Balanced diet is defective without vegetables. Vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and also contain few fats and calories. Vegetables are available in a variety of varieties for every taste. Zelenolistic vegetables are considered the best for the eyes and the digestive system. You can even add them as a refueling so that the boring food looks bright and attractive. Try to include in your diet as many vegetables as possible to prevent diseases.

Like vegetables, fresh fruits are also a huge source of fiber and minerals. Fruits can be used in different forms. You can prepare delicious smoothies, fruit assorted, fruit juices and much more. Many nutritionists are recommended to include at least two or three small portions of fruit in their diet to make it perfect.

Some - whole grain, and others - purified. Cereals perfectly help in improving the digestive system. Whole grain products such as whole grain bread, oatmeal, cornflakes and rice are needed to ensure the body of the energy. Refined grain products can be divided into pasta, white bread and everything that is made of flour.

Dairy and meat products
Dairy and meat products are considered the main source of protein along with iron and zinc. Dairy products make bones strong and healthy, contain enough calcium. Dairy and meat products can be divided into milk, cheese and yogurt, eggs, meat and fish. Although doctors offer to eat more fish and less red meat to avoid other diseases, such as heart disease and cholesterol problems.

Mineral salts
Although salt is required in small quantities, it is vital to maintain a proper state of health. Various mineral salts help to provide an organism with iodine, calcium, sodium and iron, which are necessary for the health of the teeth, bones and muscles. But people suffering from hypertension should reduce salting consumption.

To conduct a happy and healthy life, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber in the correct proportions are needed. orbex rocket