Causes and prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Perhaps, I will not tell about all the nuances of this disease, since I myself am not a veterinarian, but watching my cats and cats of my sister, listening to the recommendations of veterinarians, thinking about what is happening, I can draw some conclusions and collect them in one article. Maybe she will help someone to protect her pet from harm. Play best y8 games at the website. Y8 games online play the y8 games, relax, have fun.

So, among the main causes of urolithiasis in cats and dogs are listed:

Food from the human table. Do you still feed your pet with the same food you eat? It is better to pour him poison immediately, it will be merciful. In our food, we add salt, which is not tolerated by the body of cats and leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Moreover, some foods, in addition, can lead to indigestion. What to feed a pet? There are many feeds, consult with a veterinarian how to feed your pet.

Lack of movement. Modern vets argue that cats and dogs living in apartments or houses (sitting on a chain) without movement are doomed to the development of stones in the kidneys and bladder. When a pet lives in nature, it has the opportunity to run where he wants and as much as he wants, the formation of stones becomes almost impossible, as they just break down during movement and go out with sand with urine. If you can not live in a private house all the time, then you should at least rent a summer cottage and bring there not only children, but also pets.

How to understand that a pet has a problem? All the symptoms should be listed for a long time, and only a doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, having performed additional tests (for example, making an ultrasound scan for animals), but the following points should alert you:

A cat or dog begins to drink more water than usual. The pet has a lack of appetite, which occurs due to intoxication of the body and because the body is trying to cope with the problem, throwing all the forces at its elimination and not being distracted by the digestion process. Pet's hair becomes dirty and somewhat dull, as if felled or crawled out; Pet begins to have problems with urination or blood appears in the urine.

Anyway, it is worth remembering that the disease is not fatal. This is true, of course, if you contact a veterinarian in time and your pet gets timely treatment. Even chronically sick animals live quite a long, full life. Let your pet be healthy.