Why did the bear leave my greenhouses forever?

Gardeners know how much time, love and strength it takes to grow seedlings and how bitterly to lose it due to unforeseen circumstances or harmful insects. This happened to me when I planted pepper and tomato seedlings in a greenhouse in May, and the next day 15 bushes lay on the ground, cut in the root area. A week later, the rest of the crop died. Experience suggested that the bear (kapustyanka) was to blame for this. A lot of time has passed, but I still carry out preventive work to avoid its occurrence and remember how many methods I got rid of it.

Chicken manure to replace manure

A study of the soil showed that the bear fell into the greenhouse with manure introduced in the spring. Manure is a pure organic fertilizer, but lacking in the content of various larvae. To get rid of them, it is worth bringing it to the site in the fall and scattering it with a thin layer in the open space so that all the larvae freeze out.
In the presence of cabbage, I replaced the usual fertilizer with chicken droppings. It perfectly supplies the soil with the necessary elements, nourishes and gives nitrogen, and its smell repels the bear.

Digging soil

From that moment I dig a greenhouse 3 times a year and very conscientiously, destroying all insects, leaving only earthworms. The first digging is during the thawing of snow. Then it is recommended to plant fast-growing plants in the greenhouse. The second time I dig the soil right before planting tomatoes and peppers, and the third - in the fall, after harvesting.

Mustard sowing

In the third digging of the soil in the greenhouse, I disperse the white mustard. In the spring it will be dug up and will become a good fertilizer. The main thing in this process is not to bring it to bloom, otherwise it will germinate all summer and will have to weed many times.

Greenhouse as a place of burial of fish

Everything that remains of the fish in boiled, salted, fried, dried, fresh, I dig in the soil in the greenhouse, as the bear is afraid of this smell. I do this not only in the corners, but also around the perimeter, sometimes I create holes and save more.
Fish is a good fertilizer for roses. Therefore, once a year, I bury it on the bayonet of a shovel in the bushes - and abundant flowering is guaranteed.

Mint and dill against cabbage

Once upon a time, a modern and reliable greenhouse with a strong foundation and without a single weed was my big dream. After the attack of the bear and the death of the crop, I only dream about its safety and the absence of pests.
The bear does not tolerate the aroma of mint, so it is planted densely around the greenhouse and a little inside. In this case, it is worth considering the variety of mint, because it can be different. You must choose with a pronounced aroma of menthol, extending over a long distance.
It is also noted that the bear does not tolerate the aroma of dill, so it is also in my greenhouse.

Stones are laid out inside the greenhouse, and behind it is an overgrown area

Kapustyanka, like all insects, interacts with the world, which means that it has its own ill-wishers. Stones laid out in the greenhouse attract lizards who like to bask on a hot surface, and choose dense thickets for life.
If you decide to fight the bear with the help of lizards, you will have to abandon all chemicals as fertilizers and insect control, since they can not stand the poison. By equipping the lizards with quality housing, I gradually got rid of the pests.

As a primary fight with the bears, I advise you to use high-speed chemicals and baits. And in order to preserve at least part of the crop, you need to dig around the bushes of the cut-off necks of plastic bottles. This will not save all the bushes, but will save at least a little. $5 deposit casino