Category Archives: In the news

How Pets Help Us to Age: Interview with SCAS trustee Dr. McCune

SCAS trustee Dr. Sandra McCune talks to Steve Dale about The Wallis Annenberg PetSpace Leadership Institute and a research paper she co-authored with Dr. Daniel Promislow on how you can delay aging, or at least a few issues associated with aging, by sharing your life with a dog.  There are also many similarities in how dogs age and how we age.

The Wallis Annenberg PetSpace Leadership Institute has brought together a who’s who of leaders in the world of human-animal bond studies and anthrozoology to talk about ideas and research the bond further. Soon, 14 different scientific papers will be released.

Click here to listen to the interview

Four reasons why you and your dog can make a difference to your workplace this ‘Bring Your Dog to Work Day’ on Friday 25th June

Are you one of the 33% of UK households that owns a dog?

If you are, your life may look a little like this: you get up in the morning and go through your routine with your beloved dog to prepare them for the day and leave for work. Then your much-loved companion stays at home and waits for your return. Sometimes, there is someone else at home to stay with your pet, or perhaps a friend or pet-sitter keeps a watchful eye on them, but that is the life of most pets and their owners.

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How you can be part of the virtual 2021 SCAS Conference this September?

By Dr Elizabeth Ormerod BVMS CF, Chair, Society for Companion Animal Studies

Figure 1 Dr Elizabeth Ormerod BVMS and CEVA Vet of the Year 2021

As anyone who’s attended a SCAS Annual Conference will attest, it’s an exciting event!

There are hundreds of attendees from the world of Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) and Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAI) — ranging from volunteers and programme providers, to renowned international pioneers at the forefront of research — all with the same goals in mind: to learn the latest advances in AAI as well as encouraging collaboration between researchers and healthcare professionals.

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Three ways you and your pet can make a difference during Loneliness Awareness Week 2021

Three ways you and your pet can make a difference during Loneliness Awareness Week 2021, June 14-18th

Pet owners know only too well about the joy that comes with living with companion animals. Our pets seem to be instinctively attuned to our emotions. Dogs, for example, aren’t only able to understand many of the words we use, but they’re also phenomenal at interpreting voice tone and body language. And like a human, a loyal dog will often look into our eyes to understand our emotional state in order to better read and understand our mood – sad, happy, angry, or stressed.

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Could your dog volunteer to become a ‘befriender’ this National Volunteers’ Week 2021?

How amazing volunteers and their ‘befriender’ dogs are making a difference to patients at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


For #VolunteersWeek, the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) is highlighting the work one member leads to bring ‘Befriender dogs’ into hospital wards to support patients.

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